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Tonline help

Address – Psychotherapy, Psychologist in Krakow (Poland)

Psychotherapist – Dorota Wójcik

My private practice is located in Hotel Lipsk, os .ALbertyńskie 1-2, 1st floor, room 123. (Near Rondo Kocmyrzowskie, Rondo Czyżyńskie, Carrefour Czyżyny and in a close proximity of Tomex)

Making appointments by phone between 3 pm and 9 pm at a telephone number: 504282956

Making appointments by e-mail: dorotawojcik[at]moj-psycholog.com
change [at] to @
Making appointments by a messanger (i.e. gg): 2553026

Making appointments by Skype: mojpsychologkrakow