If you want to contact me, you can choose from the options I described below:
– Writing an e-mail, I reply by e-mail too
– Meeting on Skype chat
– Meeting on Skype with voice only
– Meeting on Skype with video
– Meeting in my consulting room personally
– If you do not have any conditions to talk live or you do not feel ready to talk, you may describe your problem in an email. I will answer you back as soon as I can, within a few days, usually no longer than 48h. If you choose the first option, i.e. an email, please make sure that what you have written is clear enough for another person to understand by proofreading it. I know that when writing about the problems, it is common to get emotional, or skip some information that makes the situation understandable for the reader.
- I also offer live conversation on the Skype chat – voiceless, only typing, or
- you can meet me on Skype with or without a video camera.
Of course, if you are present in person in Krakow, Poland, you can ask me for an appointment in my consulting room.